Number of Lucky Bamboo Meanings

There are no official meaning for the numbers of  bamboo plants. It can mean whatever you want it to mean. More importantly, is how it looks. The meanings of each number are commonly associated with the numbers in Feng Shui.

Here are the most commonly meanings associated with the number of bamboos:

  • 1 stalk = good fortune
  • 2 stalks = love (Sometimes represents one man + one women)
  • 3 stalks = happiness, wealth, and longevity. Also can represent PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE.
  • 4 stalks = stable, strong, or power. (Sometimes considered unlucky. See notes below.)
  • 5 stalks = wealth or fortune
  • 6 stalks = prosperity
  • 7 stalks = good health
  • 8 stalks = growth or wealth
  • 9 stalks = general good fortune
  • 10 stalks = completeness or perfection
  • 21 stalks = blessings
Note: In Feng Shui, the number 4 symbolizes stability and a strong foundation, and it represents the four directions and the four seasons. The number 4 is sometimes considered unlucky in Chinese Feng Shui because it sounds like the word “death” in certain Chinese dialects, but it doesn’t have this association for Western cultures. If you have a number four in your address and you are from a country other than China, instead of worrying whether the number four is unlucky, try thinking of four as sounding like the word “more.”